
For more information, see the search syntax documentation. Wildcards are supported in all literal fields. Search results are sorted by image count, then by name alphabetically.

Search Results

oc:berry chao1 oc:berry wolf1 oc:bette the hedgehog1 oc:betty the poodle1 oc:bicc1 oc:bimmy jr.1 oc:blade the knight1 oc:blake the hedgecat1 oc:blanche the bat1 oc:blisk1 oc:bluebelle the rabbit1 oc:bollo1 oc:bolt the hedgehog (segasonic bro)1 oc:bonnie butterfly1 oc:bonny the bat1 oc:bradley prower1 oc:brain power1 oc:breaker the weak lynx1 oc:breeze the hedgefox1 oc:bridget1 oc:brie the echidna1 oc:bright the hedgehog1 oc:bronze the sable1 oc:bruma the bat1 oc:brushogun1 oc:bryan the vampire1 oc:buck the coydog1 oc:burned1 oc:buzzard1 oc:c.c. the hedgehog1 oc:cable1 oc:cable the catfish1 oc:candace the carver1 oc:candace the wolverine1 oc:captain current1 oc:carly bandihog1 oc:carol the cow1 oc:casey fox1 oc:catalina bautista1 oc:cavity the bunny1 oc:caydyn muttski1 oc:cha the holland lop1 oc:chanelle the bat1 oc:chase the hedgehog1 oc:chester the raccoon1 oc:chibi1 oc:chime toha the mechidna1 oc:chris hayabusa1 oc:christine the puppy1 oc:chrono-pha1 oc:chystal the hedgehog1 oc:cinis the jackal1 oc:cipher the marine iguana1 oc:claire1 oc:claw the bat1 oc:clay the panther1 oc:clay the rabbit1 oc:clear the hedgehog1 oc:clementine the echidna1 oc:cleo1 oc:cocoa the hedgerabbit1 oc:coil the cobra1 oc:cole the bear1 oc:cookie the hamster1 oc:copperhead the lizard1 oc:cora the cat1 oc:cord1 oc:core the seedrian1 oc:cosmo the cat1 oc:cosmo the hedgefox1 oc:cosmo.exe1 oc:cosmo.x1 oc:coty1 oc:creed the mantis1 oc:crem (m80marc)1 oc:cryo the arctic fox1 oc:crystal the ice echidna1 oc:cute sonikku1 oc:cyber metal sonic1 oc:cypress the lizard1 oc:daelin1 oc:daffodill the bee1 oc:dahlia1 oc:daisy cow1 oc:dalbar razorov1 oc:dally the eel1 oc:damien the hedgehog1 oc:dana "day" the budgie1 oc:danora the bobcat1 oc:daphne the squirrel1 oc:dark massi the fox1 oc:dark tails1 oc:darklead sonic1 oc:dart1 oc:dash the hedgehog1 oc:dawn the hedgehog1 oc:daze the echidna1 oc:deanna the poodle1 oc:deborah1 oc:dee1 oc:delphine the cat1 oc:denae prower1 oc:denai prower1 oc:dendry the hydra1 oc:deprex1 oc:desiree the centaur1 oc:detective radio the water bug1 oc:dexio the cat1 oc:diana the dolphin1 oc:digit the bat1 oc:dingo unit-0011 oc:dolly the bunny1 oc:dr. bionik1 oc:dr. pings1 oc:dr.foxborg1 oc:drake the cat-dragon1 oc:dreamer the hedgehog1 oc:drury the sea serpent1 oc:dusk the cat1 oc:echo the hedgehog1 oc:eclipse the unicorn1 oc:egg boss sofia1 oc:eleanor the echidna1 oc:electric wire1 oc:elion the cat1 oc:elise rose hedgehog1 oc:eliza chestnut1 oc:ella stick "rings" the twin-tailed lemur1 oc:elly the wolfdog1 oc:ember the hedgehog1 oc:emerald the echidna1 oc:emily rose1 oc:emily the chameleon1 oc:emma the mousedeer1 oc:epitome1 oc:erick the hedgehog1 oc:erik the okapi1 oc:erode1 oc:ethan the bat1 oc:eventide the hedgehog1 oc:eyah the hedgehog1 oc:ezra1 oc:f.j prower1 oc:fable the unicorn1 oc:faith the caracal1 oc:faker amy1 oc:fancy the poodle1 oc:fayren1 oc:fei the pigeon1 oc:finch echidna1 oc:finn the fennec1 oc:flaernis the kitsune1 oc:flame the cat1 oc:flare the fox1 oc:flash hedgehog1 oc:fleet the hedgehog1 oc:flop the rabbit1 oc:ford the fox1 oc:fox unit-0021 oc:frederico the ticko1 oc:fresca the cow1 oc:frills the hooded lizard1 oc:fritz the fusion1 oc:frosty1 oc:frosty the fox1 oc:frury "blue" the blue-tongued lizard1 oc:fuun the neko1 oc:gadget the hedgehog1 oc:gen8 hedgehog1 oc:giova the fox1 oc:girlfriend the hedgehog1 oc:gloss the bat1 oc:gold fleet wisp1 oc:gold the hedgehog1 oc:goldy the wild cat1 oc:grace the cinnabunny1 oc:greymane (bongwater777)1 oc:grimm1 oc:hans the bat1 oc:hazen the hedge1 oc:heart the fisher1 oc:heavy the bunny1 oc:henrietta the hedgehog1 oc:hex the hawk1 oc:hex the wolf1 oc:hitch the lemur1 oc:honey the ant1 oc:honey the chimera1 oc:honey the poodle1 oc:hooks the monkey1 oc:hope the rabbit1 oc:hover the hedgehog1 oc:hurrican1 oc:huskie the husky1 oc:hydropup "drop"1 oc:hyro1 oc:icing1 oc:ictey1 oc:ignite the hedgehog (segasonic bro)1 oc:illusion the hedgebot1 oc:inferno the hedgehog1 oc:inferno the lynx1 oc:inner1 oc:irma the hedgehog1 oc:ironic the hedgehog1 oc:iya robotnik1 oc:izora the hedgehog1 oc:jab the rabbit1 oc:jack the rabbit1 oc:jade the cat1 oc:jaden ''mitts'' the echidfox1 oc:jane the doe1 oc:jasmine acorn1 oc:jasmine the bird1 oc:jasmine the numbat1 oc:jasper the snake1 oc:jatoan the rabbot1 oc:jay the blue macaw1 oc:jenni1 oc:jeremiah the shadowchu1 oc:jericho the mer-jackal1 oc:jest the maned wolf1 oc:jet the fox1 oc:jezebel d'coolette1 oc:jhonny the spider1 oc:jill the fox1 oc:jinxy the cat1 oc:joan the armadillo1 oc:jolt the hedgehog1 oc:jonibun bolt the mouse1 oc:jordi the dillo1 oc:joy chao1 oc:joy the cat1 oc:juanita the salamander1 oc:jujubee the feathered armadillo1 oc:julian the feathered armadillo1 oc:july the bun-hog1 oc:july the raccoon1 oc:jumble1 oc:jumble the lemur1 oc:juniper the husky1 oc:kaekin kenishi1 oc:kain the spider1 oc:kale the wolf1 oc:kali the echidna1 oc:kali the hedgehog1 oc:katty1 oc:kaya1 oc:kayden prower1 oc:kaze the hedgehog1
Showing results 17501 - 17750 of 20656 total

Default search

If you do not specify a field to search over, the search engine will search for tags with a name that is similar to the query's word stems. For example, winged humanization, wings, and spread wings would all be matched by a search for wing, but sewing would not be.

Allowed fields

Field SelectorTypeDescriptionExample
alias_ofLiteralMatches the name of the target tag, if this tag is aliased.alias_of:twilight sparkle
aliasedBooleanMatches when this tag is aliased.aliased:true
aliasesLiteralMatches the name of any of this tag's aliases.aliases:ts
analyzed_nameFull TextMatches the name of this tag. This is the default field.analyzed_name:wing
categoryLiteralMatches the category this tag belongs to.category:origin
descriptionFull TextMatches the text of the full description for this tag.description:species
idNumeric RangeMatches the numeric surrogate key for this tag.id:40482
imagesNumeric RangeMatches tags with the specified image count.images.lte:1000
implied_byLiteralMatches this tag if it is implied by the given tag.implied_by:transparent background
impliesLiteralMatches this tag if it implies the given tag.implies:shipping
nameLiteralMatches the exact name of this tag.name:safe
name_in_namespaceLiteralMatches the name of this tag with any namespace component removed.name_in_namespace:johnjoseco
namespaceLiteralMatches tags with the given namespace.namespace:artist
short_descriptionFull TextMatches the text of the short description for this tag.short_description:gender
slugLiteralMatches the slug of this tag.slug:-fwslash-mlp-fwslash-