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original title:
A Crisis of Infinite Hedgehogs

original description:
Well. Here we are. (I think you have to zoom twice to really see the full thing.)

I'm gonna tell you right now that if I do a legend of this monster it'll be done later.


Like when I have a weekend or eight to blow.

You'll notice that the art style here is actually my old, original art style before I changed things around and improved in my depictions of the Sonic character models over time. That's because this piece was started long ago when I first began working at Archie — like, fresh out of putting my own old webcomics "Chip and Walter" and "Time Trouble" on hiatus kind of "long ago". Don't hold it against me! I was dedicated! LOL

I dunno why I did it. I guess really it just boiled down to me wanting to do something neat. See, originally I wanted to do a George Perez style "Crisis on Infinite Earths" parody but with Sonic characters. Mostly because I wanted to see if I could do it and finish it, secondly because I'd had a lot of time to spare between when I'd finished my undergrad degree VS when I started Grad School at SVA.

Well I did all the first two pages of this (the Perez portion of the piece) and suddenly realized that even though I'd budgeted out plenty of space for game, comic and even a few cartoon elements, I'd actually not attributed for every character — which meant nothing given the scope of George Perez's original piece of art and what it included/represented. Plus, I felt that it was only right to add my own take on it to give it some bits of originality and not bit completely off of Perez's entire sense of design, y'know?

So, I added another page. Then I realized that I'd not really taken account the multiple character designs that the book housed for so many years, and I'd had a lot of extra space that needed to be used after the fact — so then I accounted for that, making Page 3 focus on heroes while Page 4 focused on villains.

Before I knew it, what was originally a double page spread became a 4 page monster that was simply done whenever time permitted with whatever ideas or characters I could find that had popped into my head that i had not drawn yet. So yeah, I kinda think I might be borderline insane but hey — FUN IS FUN RIGHT!?!?! :D :D :D


I'd stopped drawing "Crisis" just prior to Ian having taken over writing duties on the book which is why his stories aren't really represented here outside of a scant few nods that would be revisited much later when he was performing clean-up duties and bettering/fixing the continuity. Would I add an extra page or two for his stuff on down the line? Sure — why not. Let's expand it some more maybe when I'm retired. Or maybe dead. But not now! LOL!

Anyway, prior to me being hired full time at Archie I figured why not present it to them for use as a poster for use in the books. This is when it was still in pencil form, but lets be honest. NO ONE in their right mind would ink this monster without some serious pay so, that left it up to me to ink it all on my own, but I also didn't want to ruin the pencils. SOOOOOOOO, I took some acetate, re-drew/lightboxed what I had on THAT with my drawing pens (god bless whoever invented ink erasers) and then by the time I was done I was utterly and totally exhausted.

Then came time to color it and — well you know the drill.

However, coloring is NOT AT ALL my forte. I like working in blacks and whites and greys so…any attempts to even try and flat color this thing was like HELL NAW SHORTY</i>. That and my work computer was ancient. I could barely do anything with a hi-res file that size which meant "TRY AGAIN LATER". My schedule got busier and busier with graduate school and eventually work and there it sat. Since it was impossible for me to color it with the attention it deserved I've never really released it until now cuz, (and I have to be honest with myself here) it'd take me so long to color this the right way and I want to dedicate my art time to my other babies that I've neglected for so long — namely, my own stuff.

Realistically, t'll probably never be used in the books anyway (where would we put it, most posters are double spreads — not quads. And then there's other issues that dare not speak its name concerning it) so… I figured that now was as good a time as any to release it as is.

And that is the long and tiring story of the Sonic poster that I drew in my spare time which is currently the centerpiece of my professional portfolio.

And now you know the story…

+ safeSign in to Watch29774 + artist:jonathan graySign in to Watch2 + artist:jongraywbSign in to Watch2 + amadeus prowerSign in to Watch21 + amy roseSign in to Watch4797 + ancient walkersSign in to Watch2 + antoine d'cooletteSign in to Watch162 + bark the polar bearSign in to Watch52 + bean the dynamiteSign in to Watch63 + bernadette hedgehogSign in to Watch20 + big the catSign in to Watch143 + blaze the catSign in to Watch3258 + bunnie rabbotSign in to Watch275 + dr. finitevusSign in to Watch13 + enerjakSign in to Watch16 + espio the chameleonSign in to Watch558 + fiona foxSign in to Watch116 + flickySign in to Watch104 + geoffrey st. johnSign in to Watch18 + grand battle kukku xvSign in to Watch4 + ixis naugusSign in to Watch5 + jules hedgehogSign in to Watch15 + julie-suSign in to Watch58 + king boom booSign in to Watch5 + knuckles the echidnaSign in to Watch1729 + mammoth mogulSign in to Watch7 + maria robotnikSign in to Watch339 + metal sonicSign in to Watch407 + mighty the armadilloSign in to Watch211 + miles "tails" prowerSign in to Watch7722 + nack the weaselSign in to Watch103 + nate morganSign in to Watch1 + nicole the hololynxSign in to Watch270 + princess saraSign in to Watch3 + ray the flying squirrelSign in to Watch181 + rotor walrusSign in to Watch75 + rouge the batSign in to Watch1311 + scourge the hedgehogSign in to Watch409 + shadow the hedgehogSign in to Watch4952 + silver the hedgehogSign in to Watch1486 + snively robotnikSign in to Watch24 + sonic the hedgehogSign in to Watch10761 + tails dollSign in to Watch102 + uncle chuckSign in to Watch24 + vector the crocodileSign in to Watch191 + xordaSign in to Watch1 + yagyu ninjaSign in to Watch2 + zonic the zone copSign in to Watch45 + armadilloSign in to Watch57 + batSign in to Watch337 + bearSign in to Watch41 + bemSign in to Watch5 + birdSign in to Watch272 + catSign in to Watch2498 + chaoSign in to Watch476 + coyoteSign in to Watch59 + crocodileSign in to Watch43 + echidnaSign in to Watch558 + flying squirrelSign in to Watch40 + foxSign in to Watch2065 + hedgehogSign in to Watch5740 + humanSign in to Watch1339 + lizardSign in to Watch52 + lynxSign in to Watch55 + mammothSign in to Watch5 + polar bearSign in to Watch25 + rabbitSign in to Watch296 + skunkSign in to Watch16 + squirrelSign in to Watch39 + walrusSign in to Watch23 + weaselSign in to Watch28 + alienSign in to Watch45 + chameleonSign in to Watch120 + chaos emeraldSign in to Watch438 + death eggSign in to Watch22 + eggmobileSign in to Watch54 + everyone is hereSign in to Watch71 + ghostSign in to Watch37 + kukkuSign in to Watch11 + monitorSign in to Watch29 + nightmarenSign in to Watch7 + nightsSign in to Watch9 + nights into dreamsSign in to Watch6 + ringSign in to Watch412 + ristarSign in to Watch1 + robotSign in to Watch720 + time warp plateSign in to Watch5 + tornado iiSign in to Watch13 + wall of tagsSign in to Watch50 + wimmelbilderSign in to Watch1


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